Saturday, September 02, 2017

Happiness - 25 Ways To Live Joyfully Through Art

Yes, this is my recent obsession. This book is a bright beacon in the foggy, rainy night and you cannot find safe land to dock your ship. It is written by Christophe Andre. Absolutely uplifting and full of wonderful art inspired by happiness. This morning I enjoyed its wonderful motivation and meditation while sitting on my balcony and enjoying a nice cup of coffee. So here is one thought that stirred my mind this morning.

"Love does not express itself solely through the fusion of two people, but also in shared action and construction, in making a way through life together."

Wow! This is really good. Then, Monsieur Andre goes on explaining the philosophers' point of view on Love. According to the book there are three types of Love: Eros, Philia and Agape.  The first one is a romantic infatuation that we go through when we first fall in love. The gazes, the hugs, hands held, the kisses. The second one is less physical, but not excluding desire, it involves satisfaction and joy through friendship, sharing and companionship. The last one is the most difficult. It is a love unconditional. Love for all. Not a single expectation. Turning the other cheek when love calls for it. However, many people fail right there because as animals, we have more self-preserving instinct. And if one or both in the relationship are not ready to give without the need of overwhelming and over-powering that is when a relationship falls into ruin instead of building and learning from mistakes.

"We need to leave Eros behind and move towards Philia, and then Agape. This is the lesson that takes us from love to happiness in concentric circles, as we gradually move away from ourselves and open up in order to give."

Wow! He figured it all out! Why don't they teach it to kids! This would save people a lot of money on  marriage counsellors, divorces and separations! There would be much less of that, hence hatred in marriages. Which brings me to a very special poem a friend of mine posted on FB this morning.

This love thing is as old as the world and we still haven't figured out how to nourish and cherish it.
Keep loving my friends! Love will keep us alive! Happy labour Day weekend!

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I Cherish The Day

I cherish the day when beauty and goodness is seen just as that. As opposed to naive, childish and stupid. naive /nʌɪˈiːv,nɑːˈiːv/ Learn to ...