Tuesday, July 04, 2017

So here it is!

After years of shying away and trying, I have finally made my son's portrait. I was so hesitant for the longest time but last night finally I worked up some courage to finish what was started the week before. Ever since he was born I couldn't capture his features and the brightness of his face. Until last night. With some help of a glass of good wine I finally did it. I am not 100% sure about but here it is! Possibly the relaxing Canada Day long weekend activities gave me the motivation. Happy 150 of Canada and eternity of Aboriginal Land! Let's not forget this land's true owners!

I started with a little sketch on parchment paper. I have a plan to work with that separately. I am thinking about doing some ink work on it. 

This is my baby giving my husband and I a 30 minute-long explanation of something that happened in Minecraft world he enjoys so much creating. 

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 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...