Thursday, June 08, 2017

Cigar Cutters and the News

Today I start with a strong opinion, weather you like it or not here it comes! It is my blog after all!

Recent news makes me really upset, even angry. Today's newspapers, for instance, had reports of two different, very vicious sexual assaults on women. Are there more of them now or it is just popular to write about them these days? Either way they angry me. This morning I read about a woman, a police officer who went for celebratory drinks with her colleagues. Her fellow police officers! She should have been safer than ever, right? Nope. They were the ones who decided to have fun with her while she lay there completely paralysed by the effects of heavy drinking. All three at the same time! So if they are to serve and protect us, I cannot possibly imagine the criminals in this country!

Rape Must Be Eradicated from Our Society! Respect Should Replace it. And Those Who Cannot Grasp That Concept Should Live a Painful and Lonely Life! Tell Me If I Am Wrong!

You know I am a devoted believer in the existence of God. And at the same time, as an Anthropologist, I am devoted to the Theory of Evolution that has been supported by the scientific evidence that all living organisms change and evolve based on their need to survive and protect their species. So I got one for you. Aren't all these men afraid that they are playing a very crucial role in this evolution process? Aren't they afraid that one day women will develop a cigar-cutter-like organ in their vaginas to protect their species from the most unsuitable specimen? At the same time, stopping them from procreating, period! You know what I mean, right? A skunk has that stink, a bear has claws, Eurasian roller bird vomits a repulsive matter all over itself to turn away its predators. You know what I am saying? How come human female hasn't developed anything of that sort just yet? I pray to God every night that one day it will just happen. And then women will not ask the law if we can or cannot have it! Our daughters will be able to just think it, will it, and justice will be done! I seriously wish for that.

Today I am sending lots of love and hope to all the women I know! Dear girlfriends let's concentrate and start developing that organ, for the sake of our daughters and granddaughters! It is amazing what power of the mind can do! I strongly believe we can do it! 

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 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...