Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Spieszmy sie...Let us hurry

Spieszmy sie

Spieszmy sie kochac ludzi tak szybko odchodza
Zostana po nich buty i telefon gluchy
tylko to co niewazne jak krowa sie wlecze
najwazniejsze tak predkie ze nagle sie staje
potem cisza normalna wiec calkiem nieznosna
jak czystosc urodzona naprosciej z rozpaczy
kiedy mielismy o kims zostajac bez niego

Nie badz pewny ze czas masz bo pewnosc niepewna zabiera nam wrazliwosc tak jak patos i humor
jak dwie namietnosci wciaz slabsze od jednej

Let us hurry

Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly
Leaving only their shoes and silence on the phone
Only what is unimportant tends to drag like a cow
The most important is so fast that happens in split-second
Silence that follows - normal and unbearable
Is like a clarity born straight from despair
When we think about someone who is no longer with us

Please do not be so certain that there is still time left
For certainty happens to be most uncertain
It takes away our sensitivity along with happiness
And comes concurrently like pathos and humour
Just like two different passions yet not as strong as one
Ks. Jan Twardowski
Translated by Pawel Maciejewski

How timeless and relevant.  I took out this book from the shelf. I am looking at it. I am looking at the title. You Who creates Blueberries. I open the cover. There is a dedication written in a fancy handwriting from two priests. "There is only one Master/Teacher - Christ. To the lovely Ewunia as a proof of friendship. Wishing you abundance of God's blessings.  Ks Piotr Trela and Ks. Piotr Rozek"

Today I am moved, sad and disappointed. Yesterday we said goodbye to yet another member of the family. What is tomorrow going to bring?

When I was growing up in Poland I was involved in a circle of young people called Oaza, Oasis. It was organised by the church. We would pray, sing and spend vacations together and learn how to be a better people. The priests who took care of us and guided us in our faith taught me this poetry and taught me about this wonderful poet that Ks. Twardowski was. He conveyed a special kindness and sensitivity to this world. It's been living in my heart since then. I built myself on his poetry or rather i have let his poetry build me. Maybe it is bad for me. Maybe it is making me a vulnerable person. But it is certainly the right influence.

I am reflecting on this poem today because I realise how important it is to have a pure heart and a clear mind. You never know when you are going to go,at the same time, you never know when others will go. And you will never get the second chance! So lets hurry...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trafnie napisane. Trzymajcie siÄ™ mocno.


 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...