Friday, May 19, 2017

Nine Years Ago, May 22nd was a Thursday

Nine years ago, Monday, May 22. I woke up at 8 a.m. Took a shower. Tried to calm down and drink my INKA (Polish wheat decaf coffee). My hair was just right but somehow it didn't matter. Make up didn't matter either. I put on my burgundy, hippy style sweater with buttons at the front and my only wearable at this point jeans. I was ready. My husband and I locked our apartment in the heart of Toronto near St. Clair Avenue. We walked slowly to the subway. It was a nice, sunny but still cold day. However, on the subway it was uncomfortably hot and sticky. I was worried about sweating. I wanted to be and feel shower fresh and keep positive attitude. I was getting nervous.

Alek age 9, Mama age 44, Tata age 45

We got on the subway. There was no seat or I didn't want to sit. I don't remember. I claimed a comfortable spot opposite of the entrance and supported my weight by leaning back at the glass.  Yes. I was ok. I was thinking about future. Planning, dreaming, fearing. On the yellow subway line we got off at College subway station and walked towards Bay Street and a bit pass that. We walked to the main entrance of the Women's College Hospital. But we were there too early. The appointment card said 11:00. Be there 30 minutes before. OK. So we went for a small drink and something to graze on around the corner from the hospital.

Aleksander, Age 9

When we got to the hospital we were directed to the Triage where they were going to prepare me for the C-section. Yes. My son wanted to stay in my body but it was not happening. Three weeks before he was due (original due date was June 2, his father's bday!) he turned head up and that was it!The doc had to schedule a cesarean.  I really didn't want him to be GEMINI but somehow I managed to get an appointment for the first day of Gemini Zodiac sign. At this point I was hoping SHE, Hana, My Cello Player,  would pick up more of the Taurus traits. I had no choice but to go along with fate! 11:30 I was wheeled into the operating area. I wasn't nervous anymore. I just waited for the epidural shot to happen and I knew I would be ok. Dr. Rose Kung had been such an amazing doctor all through the stuff I went through. I knew she was the best one for the job. She would deliver my baby and me to the safety of our futures together.
Aleksander's First Days and months in Canada.

Before Epidural they give you another anaesthetic so that you don't feel Epidural needle which is the size of a veterinary needle! Epidural kicked in very quickly and I couldn't feel a thing but I could see and hear it all. I was there same and wide awake. I was even talking with my husband while IT was happening. The birth of our child. Whatever she/he is he'she will be loved beyond reason! And at 12:00 my child is born! Pushed, pulled and massaged out. My child was here! I couldn't see her/him but my child was here. I could see the legs, the most beautiful feet, ankles, knees I had ever seen! Gosh! How I loved thee! The nurses took the baby right away to be washed. They were at the back, above my head and I couldn't see them! "Isn't the baby beautiful!" they asked! Both me and my husband scream at them the same words: "Yes! But what is it????". They didn't realise that we were one of the few traditionalists left! We didn't know the sex of our baby all 8 1/2 months! Not because we were nor curious! Gosh I was dying to know. But that was how my mom had done it and her mom before. Why not experience a bit of tradition!
Growing up in Japan. Alek age 1.5
Pierogi Party. Alek age 5. Happy time with dear friends in Japan

At 12:00 My Hana, my Cello player turned out to be my life, my son, my Aleksander (the greatest!), my maybe-one-day-a cello player-son! Nine years later...he has been  Polak, Japonczyk, Kanadyjczyk, an avocado eating newborn, a schoolar, artist, pianist, cyclist, marathon runner, karate-ka, a swimmer, a book worm, Katy Perry backup singer, almost a teenager, champion, a dancer, but most of all my baby. He made my life worth while! I love him when I love him and I love him when we fight. It breaks my heart when I scream at him for losing his fiftieth water bottle or a sweater. I asked him if he know hat. He assured me 100%, yes! Even when I scream at him so hard that neighbours can hear. He told me he still feels the love. I am suspecting he is growing up to be something of a gentleman. He makes me feel like a queen. He gives me strength to go on.  How will I ever go on when he grows up?
Happiness is Being Together. Alek age 8.5

Today the portion of Women's College Hospital  that my son was born has been demolished, improved, made into a new era building and a parking lot. I take him there sometime and tell him this story. He doesn't share my melancholy. He just runs around parking lot, collects leaves and bugs. He is happy with what it is now!

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 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...