Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Mushroom Rain

Life is full of high flights and falls. That's why is it so addictive! Yesterday I wrote about Love and today I want to write about saying goodbye. The weather is on the same page with me. The sky is crying with us.

Today is a very personal post that i would like you to help me with. Today. my family is saying goodbye to someone very dear. We try to think of the last time we saw her. Was it in her home, was it at dinner time, did she wear blue or beige? Did we have cake or jello. Was she happy? Did we make her happy? These are the thoughts, the guilt, the mourning, the meditations. It is the same for all of us. No matter where we come from.

We think about the empty space she is leaving in our physical world without realising that the emotional and spiritual space will never really vanish. Her smile and her hair, the way she graciously with her love from up above.

"A kiedy przyjdzie także po mnie                         
 And when the purple watchman of the world comes for me
Zegarmistrz światła purpurowy                        
By mi zabełtać błękit w głowie                          
  To brainwash me with blues
To będę jasny i gotowy

I will be ready and pure

Spłyną przeze mnie dni na przestrzał               
Days will flow right through me

Zgasną podłogi i powietrza 
The air and the floor will dim

Na wszystko jeszcze raz popatrzę                     
I will turn back once more to look at everything

I pójdę nie wiem gdzie - na zawsze                  
And i will go who knows where - forever"

I am giving you something that spells rain and something heavenly. because as we say goodbye to our loved ones we imagine them going to heaven and turn into starts that forever look down upon our lives.

"Mushroom Rain"

I imagined that it rains only where you want it to rain. I believe that children, as opposed to adults, love rain. They actually wish for it! Because they can play with it, they can get all muddy and wet. It shows that children are so pure and can satisfy their hearts with such simple fun. Yet, we spoil it with game boys, DSs, video games and TV. Somehow we don't believe that whatever made us happy when we were small can work for them.

This picture was sold in Japan after Aleksander's Dream Box exhibition.

" Stars in my Pitcher"

This vision is about Alek releasing stars at night so that all the people in the world can enjoy them. I am just calmly supervising while he is so competently doing a such great job. I love this picture very much because of it's colours. The idea of having Aleksander's Dream Box came to be with this painting. It is in a  care of a great mother and an amazing friend of mine residing in Japan.

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 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...