Monday, March 11, 2019

Would I Do the Same?

Finally, it is Saturday. My son and I just finished shopping for our family movie night tonight. We call it a party and it is a big family tradition. And now we are standing in a line up by the cash register to pay for our brie cheeses, Polish hams, pickled cucumbers and other goodies. We try to stay away from chips and other processed foods for the sake of my endless diets.

Blue Crosses and Dots, 2019

In the line up I make a small conversation with a nice lady behind me about the things she is buying. I see on the register belt nice chocolates and a few very nice boxes of tea. I ask about the tea because I am not sure if they are tea boxes or tea holders shaped like very fancy king crowns. I personally think they are very cool-looking and would make amazing gifts. It is my turn to pay. I bag carefully all our items as my son passes them to me all arranged according to their weight. The cashier turns to me and gives me my total. I make a payment by tapping and slowly get ready to lift the bag and leave. Suddenly I hear my son, "Mama! it has been declined". Whaaaaat! Can't be! I am ashamed, puzzled and crazy angry, all at the same time. All my blood rushes to my feet. I cant see anything. I want to curl up in a small ball and disappear. Damn! Quickly, with the last sane thought I call my husband to clarify what happened. Ahhhhaaa! We can't transfer any funds in the account til tomorrow! OK, by now I am all red, burning with shame. The store is busling with crowds of shopper. I am sure they are all watching me! What do I do?? I left all my other cards home. Today of all days I took only my phone. Why? I ask myself! I really don't know what to do? I don't want to leave all my stuff here because this store is too from home. I won't get another chance til next week to get these treasures! I decide to lose my mind and claim sanity!!

Then, just then and only then, there is a voice. Don't worry about a thing, I will pay for you. The voice comes out of the nice lady's lips that is in a hurry to buy her chocolates and tea holders in a shape of king's crowns. I look at the monitor. It is $24.09. This is no gum! Really? No! I can't let her! Really? She pays for everything and leaves me speechless. I observe her face, study her. I want to know if she is for real? Who is this person? Where is she from? $24.09 is not a dollar or two! I let it happen and at that same moment regain my hearing, feeling, sight and mind! I can't thank her enough. IN FACT, how do you thank someone for such a selfless act? Just how? The only thing I can think of is to ask her for her phone number to keep in touch. She doesn't hesitate to share her information. That's it! I knew it! She is an archangel I read about last night. I hear they can take a human form to help people in their hour of deep distress. I kid you not, I was in distress. I cannot compare it to a moment when you run away from a chasing you Bengal Tiger, nevertheless, the distress was very close!

Moments after this terrible event, I am driving away in my friends car thinking how possibly I can give her back her money, so that she never losses the goodness in her heart and faith in people. I text her to share her email address. As soon as it is possible Irina will get her e-transfer. I thank her a few more times and send her big red heart. She texts back, "You don't need to thank me. You would do the same." I sit there with the phone in my hand thinking if I know any other expressions for "Thank You."

I have no doubts I met an archangel. She saved me. She taught me a lesson how to love people. She made me think if really I would do the same. Now yes! for sure!


 Mow do mnie! Speak to Me! Mow do mnie, Ciszo! Tys prawdziwie mi za zawsze Ty nie oklamujesz,  Zlym slowem nie okrasisz,  Ty nieprawda karmi...