We walked to the market. The teacher walked at the front on the flock and I watched the back so that none of the sheep got lost. It was a true pleasure. I landed with two boys who involved me in a small talk about soccer and the currently going on FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. It was a true pleasure indeed! After a 10 minutes walk, we arrived at the market in front of the East York Civic Centre. There were many tents with fruit and vegetables. There were a few with honey, food and other homemade, organic products. I gave my son $6, other kids had much more money, but I thought it would be just the right amount. Before we dispersed, the teacher told each and every child to put away in a safe pocket their money and pointed to the meeting place at one of the picnic tables. Perfect but only in theory. After 10 minutes we already had one child crying about lost money. We both went on an expedition searching for $10 but with no success. Unbelievable happened next. The teacher took out $5 and gave it to the crying boy! By this time I loved her like never before! She was clearly demonstrating what she preached! She could have just given him a pep talk and let him sit at the picnic table but she felt his pain...she treated him like one of her kids indeed!
After taking a few rounds around the market and wondering between the stalls of aromatic strawberries and apples I decided to head to the picnic table. Immediately, I found myself in a company of my son's classmates. They boght hot dogs and smoothies and sat down with me for Soccer Talk II. The kids started showing up at the table one after the other. One was there with his head down and a long face. The kids started talking.
"How come you are not walking around anymore?"
"I have no money."
"Oh....hmm...do you want half of my hot-dog?"
"Help yourself to my smoothie." offered the other boy
"No, that's embarrassing."
"I can buy you a hot dog. I still have some money left."
Tshirt No. 1
It was a pleasure to be there. My face lit up. Compassion and caring at it's best! A group of 10 year olds, yet their hearts were bigger than CN Tower! They really inspired me. They taught me so much. They gave me hope for a better world. I took out the last of my change and gave it to the other sad boy with no money. Then the kids started giving each other money so that the ones that had some left overs but got enough shared with those who had little and wanted to buy a little something more. It was a matter of pennies but to them it meant so much. It shaped their experience at the farmer's market. It shaped them. I had only one regret that I didn't have more cash on me. These kids were amazing! I am very glad my son goes through school with them. I will cherish this day for a very long time! Oh! Do you want to ask what they bought when they got that extra from their peers? Each kid came back as a proud owner of a pot of basil or mint! Doesn't your face just smile in content for the future generations!!?
What an amazing and inspiring day it was! Compassion in big flashing neon letters!! My son and I walked back home. I held his hand and we talked. " How come you didn't tell me that you already new and practised compassion in your class! That picnic table was filled with compassionate people, darling! I am so proud of you all! Ms. J must be too!" I watched my son walking much taller all of a sudden...